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Composite poles sale

цена опор из композита
Production of composite poles for signs in Kaliningrad

Znamensky Composite Factory produces composite materials. Composites are a worthy substitute for metal and wood.

Our products can be characterised by durability, low weight of products and cost effectiveness. The stands for road signs, PVC covers and composite material rods for penetration into the ground are products that we offer legal entities.

Composite supports, which are manufactured by using innovative methods, are not exposed to any corrosive processes; they are not destroyed by soil with a high acid level. Rainfall and salty air do not affect them. Settlements near the sea and on the shore can also use these supports.
"The supports do not need special care, there is no need for painting. The supports provide an excellent opportunity to save cash during the operation. Due to their light weight, they can be easily transported even in the most inaccessible areas.

Composite supports are dielectrics and a natural insulator. So, no sparks will appear, and no etheric noises can penetrate the telecommunications network. They can be used for not less than fifty years. Also, the supports have an excellent appearance, so that they can be used at high-profile places.

Composite supports are environmentally friendly, and they can be painted in any colour. They are repairable, while there is no need for dismantling or any special equipment.

The installation of such products has some advantages as well. Composite supports can be transported, loaded and unloaded. They are injury free.
The supports are produced at the factory and passing very stringent quality control as far as technology compliance is concerned. Our employees are constantly developing new methods to enhance product manufacturing. We actively cooperate with foreign research institutes. Our production also expands the circle of partners and we invite relevant organisations.

The production and office of ZKZ LLC (Znamensk Composite Factory LLC) are located in the city and region of Kaliningrad. A warehouse with finished products are in St. Petersburg and Poland. For more detailed information on cooperation, you can call our managers. They will answer all questions and provide detailed advice on the terms of joint work. You do not need to have any doubts as to the quality of the products.

We will gladly answer all of your questions

236040, Suite 608 (Yubileyniy business-centre), 2г, Universitetskaya Str. Kaliningrad

Working hours: Mon-Fri 9:00 to 16:00


Mon-Fri 9:00 to 16:00
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